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Publications 2010

Scientific Articles

Ballen, N., Bernier, A., Moss, E., Tarabulsy, G.M., & St-Laurent, D. (2010). Insecure attachment states of mind and atypical caregiving behaviour among foster mothers. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 31(2), 118–125.

Bélanger, C., & Brisebois, H. (2010). Anger as a moderator of the relationships between attachment, dyadic adjustment, and childhood victimization in physically violent spouses. Europe's Journal of Psychology, 6(1), 14–43.

Bergeron, S., Morin, M., & Lord, M.-J. (2010). Integrating pelvic floor rehabilitation and cognitive behavioural therapy for sexual pain: What have we learned and where do we go from here? Sexual and Relationship Therapy, 25(3), 304–313.

Bernier, A., Carlson, S.M., & Whipple, N. (2010). From external regulation to self-regulation: Early parenting precursors of young children's executive functioning. Child Development, 81(1), 326–339.

Bernier, A., Carlson, S.M., Bordeleau, S., & Carrier, J. (2010). Relations between physiological and cognitive regulatory systems: Infant sleep regulation and subsequent executive functioning. Child Development, 81(6), 1739–1752. 

Bernier, A., Jarry-Boileau, V., Tarabulsy, G.M., & Miljkovitch, R. (2010). Initiating a caregiving relationship: Pregnancy and childbirth factors as predictors of maternal sensitivity. Infancy15(2), 197–208.

Blais, M., & Bédard, I. (2010). Pères et fils: Masculinité, société et transmission. Dialogue: Recherche Clinique et Sociologique sur le Couple et la Famille, 189(3), 141–150.

Blais, M., Raymond, S., Manseau, H., & Otis, J. (2010). La sexualité des jeunes Québécois et Canadiens: Regard critique sur le concept d'«hypersexualisation». GLOBE - Revue Internationale d'Etudes Québécoises, 12(2), 23–46.

Brezo, J., Bureau, A., Mérette, C., Jomphe, V., Barker, E.D., Vitaro, F., ... & Turecki, G. (2010). Differences and similarities in the serotonergic diathesis for suicide attempts & mood disorders: A 22-year longitudinal gene-environment study. Molecular Psychiatry, 15(8), 831–843.

Brisebois, H., Bélanger, C., Léger-Bélanger, M.P., & Lamontagne, V. (2010). An inquiry of the relationship between attachment and attributionnal syle, and male violence: Dyadic adjustment as a mediator of these relationships in male batterers. International Journal of Psychological and Brain Sciences, 2(4), 212–218.

Brousseau, M., Bergeron, S., & Hébert, M. (2010). Sexual coercion victimization and perpetration in heterosexual couples: A dyadic investigation. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 40(2), 363–372. doi:10.1007/s10508-010-9617-0.

Bureau, J.-F., Alie-Poirier, A., Martin, J., Lafontaine, M.-F., & Cloutier, P. (2010). Perceived parenting, psychological distress and non-suicidal self-injury in young adults. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 5, 484–494.

Chartier-Otis, M., Perreault, M., Bélanger, C., & Marchand, A. (2010) Determinants of barriers to treatment for anxiety disorders. Psychiatric Quarterly, 81(2), 127–38.

Chartier-Otis, M., Perreault, M., Bélanger, C., & Marchand, A. (2010). Fardeau, soutien social et besoins de services chez les proches de personnes souffrant de troubles émotionnels. Revue Québécoise de Psychologie, 31(3), 221–242.

Collin-Vézina, D., Hélie, S., & Trocmé, N. (2010). Is child sexual abuse declining in Canada? An analysis of child welfare data. Child Abuse & Neglect, 34(11), 807–812.

Demers, I., Bernier, A., Tarabulsy, G.M., & Provost, M.A. (2010). Maternal and child characteristics as antecedents of maternal mind-mindedness. Infant Mental Health Journal, 31(1), 94–112.

Demers, I., Bernier, A., Tarabulsy, G.M., & Provost, M.A. (2010). Mind-mindedness in adult and adolescent mothers: Relations to maternal sensitivity and infant attachment. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 34(6), 529–537. 

Desrochers, G., Bergeron, S., Khalifé, S., Dupuis, M-J., & Jodoin, M. (2010). Provoked vestibulodynia: Psychological predictors of topical and cognitive-behavioral treatment outcome. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 48(2), 106–115.

Dion, J., Collin-Vézina, D., De La Sablonière, M., Philippe-Labbé, M-P., & Giffard, T. (2010). An exploration of the connection between child sexual abuse and gambling in Aboriginal communities. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, 8(2), 174–189. doi:10.1007/s11469-009-9234-0.

Dion, J., Kennedy, A., Cloutier, P., & Gray, C. (2010). Evaluating crisis intervention services for youth within an ED: A view from within. Child Care in Practice, 16(3), 241–256.

Dion, J., Ross, A., & Collin-Vézina, D. (2010). Jeu pathologique chez les membres des Premières Nations: Facteurs de risques et problèmes concomitants. Bulletin Écho-toxico, 20, 6–8.

Duval, M., & Zadra, A. (2010). Frequency and content of dreams associated with trauma. Sleep Medicine Clinics, 5(2), 249–260.

El-Baalbaki, G., Bélanger, C., Perreault, M., Fredman, S., & Baucom, D. (2010). Marital interactions in predicting treatment outcome in panic disorder with agoraphobia. International Journal of Psychological and Brain Sciences, 2(4), 249–259.

Farkas, L., Cyr, M., Lebeau, T., & Lemay, J. (2010). Effectiveness of MASTR/EMDR therapy for traumatized adolescents. Journal of Child & Adolescent Trauma, 3(2), 125–142.

Fournier, B., & Brassard, A., (2010). Éclairage du fonctionnement conjugal: Attachement, communication, demande-retrait, violence et satisfaction conjugales. Revue québécoise de psychologie, 31(1)155–169.

Gagnon-Girouard, M-P., Bégin, C., Provencher, V., Tremblay, A., Boivin, S., & Lemieux, S. (2010). Subtyping weight preoccupied-overweight women along restrictive and depressive aspects. Appetite, 55(3), 742–745.

Grenier, S., O'connor, K. P., & Bélanger, C. (2010). Belief in the obsessional doubt as a real probability and its relation to other obsessive‐compulsive beliefs and to the severity of symptomatology. British Journal of Clinical Psychology49(1), 67–85.

Guénette-Robert, M., & Hébert, M. (2010). Évaluation préliminaire de l'application québécoise du traitement TF-CBT offert aux enfants victimes d'agression sexuelle. Journal international de victimologie, 8(1), 41–58.

Hébert, M., & Tourigny, M. (2010). Effects of a psychoeducational group intervention for children victims of sexual abuse. Journal of Child and Adolescent Trauma, 3(2), 143–160.

Hovsepian, L., Blais, M., Manseau, H., Otis, J., & Girard, M.-E. (2010). Prior victimization and sexual and contraceptive self-efficacy among adolescent females under child protective services care. Health Education and Behaviour, 37(1), 65–83.

Jaar, O., Pilon, M., Carrier, J., Montplaisir, J., & Zadra, A. (2010). Analyses of slow-wave activity and slow oscillations prior to somnambulism. Sleep, 11(33), 1511–1516.

Krakow, B., & Zadra, A. (2010). Imagery rehearsal therapy: Principles and practice. Sleep Medicine Clinics, 5(2), 289–298.

Lapointe, A., Weisnegal S.J., Provencher, V., Bégin, C., Dufour-Bouchard, A.A., Trudeau, C., & Lemieux, S. (2010). Dietary intervention promoting high intakes of fruits and vegetables: short-term effects on eating behaviors in overweight-obese postmenopausal women. Eating Behaviors, 11(4), 305–308.

Lapointe, A., Weisnegal, S.J., Provencher, V., Bégin C., Dufour-Bouchard, A.A., Trudeau, C., & Lemieux, S. (2010). Using restrictive messages to limit high-fat foods or nonrestrictive messages to increase fruit and vegetable intake: what works better for postmenopausal women? European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 64(2), 194–202.

Lapointe, A., Weisnegal, S.J., Provencher, V., Bégin, C., Dufour-Bouchard, A.A., Trudeau, C., & Lemieux, S. (2010). Comparison of a dietary intervention promoting high intakes of fruits and vegetables with a low fat approach: long-term effects on dietary intakes, eating behaviors and body weight in postmenopausal women. The British Journal of Nutrition,104(7), 1080–1090.

Laranjo, J., Bernier, A., Meins, E., & Carlson, S.M. (2010). Early manifestations of children's theory of mind: The roles of maternal mind-mindedness and infant security of attachment. Infancy, 15(3), 300–323.

Lavoie, F., & Brunson, L. (2010). La pratique de la psychologie communautaire. Psychologie canadienne, 51(2), 96–105. doi:10.1037/a0018085.

Lavoie, F., Thibodeau, C., Gagné, M.-H., & Hébert, M. (2010). Buying and selling sex in Québec adolescents: A study of risk and protective factors. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 39(5), 1147–1160.

Lazarides, A., Bélanger, C., & Sabourin, S. (2010). Personality as moderator of the relationship between communication and couple stability. Europe's Journal of Psychology, 6(2), 11–31.

Lazarides, A., Bélanger, C., & Sabourin, S. (2010). Communication behaviors as predictors of long-term dyadic adjustment: Personality as a moderator of long-term dyadic adjustment. International Journal of Psychological and Brain Sciences, 2(4), 219–226.

Leclerc, B., Bergeron, S., Binik, Y. M., & Khalifé, S. (2010). History of sexual and physical abuse in women with dyspareunia: Association with pain, psychosocial adjustment and sexual functioning. Journal of Sexual Medicine, 7, 971–980.

Lepage, J., Tourigny, M., Pauzé, R., McDuff, P., & Cyr, M. (2010). Caractéristiques des enfants ayant des comportements sexuels inappropriés et pris en charge par la protection de la jeunesse. Revue Européenne de Sexologies et de Santé Sexuelle, 19(2), 119–126.

Lepage, J., Tourigny, M., Pauzé, R., McDuff, P., & Cyr, M. (2010). Sexual behavior problems in children in Quebec youth protection services: Associated factors. European Journal of Sexology and Sexual Health, 19(2), 87–91.

Lévesque, C., Lafontaine, M.-F., Bureau, J.-F., Cloutier, P., & Dandurand, C. (2010). The influence of romantic attachment and intimate partner violence on non-suicidal self-injury in youth. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 39(5), 474–483.

Lusignan, F.A., Godbout, R., Dubuc, M.J., Daoust, A.M., Mottard, J.P., & Zadra, A. (2010) Non REM sleep mentation in chronically-treated persons with schizophrenia. Consciousness and Cognition, 19(4), 997–985.

Nelson, G., & Lavoie, F. (2010). Contribution of Canadian community psychology. Canadian Psychology, 51(2), 79–88. doi:10.1037/a0017570.

Pagé, C. A., Tourigny, M., & Renaud, P. (2010). A comparative analysis between youth sex offenders and non-offender peers: Is there a difference in their coping strategies? European Journal of Sexology and Sexual Health, 19(2), 78–86.

Pagé, C. A., Tourigny, M., & Renaud, P. (2010). Analyse comparative des jeunes délinquants sexuels et de leurs pairs non délinquants: Y a-t-il une différence dans leurs stratégies d'adaptation? Revue européenne de sexologies et de santé sexuelle, 19(2), 109–118.

Paradis, A., & Boucher, S. (2010). Child maltreatment history and interpersonal problems in adult couple relationships. Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment and Trauma, 19(2), 138–158.

Paré, N., Sigal, J.J., Perry, C.J., Boucher, S., & Ouimet, M.C. (2010). Les expériences vécues par les enfants de Duplessis institutionnalisés et leurs effets après plus de 50 ans. Santé Mentale au Québec, 35(1), 85–109.

Parent V., & Bégin C. (2010). La consultation: Un rôle professionnel à définir? Exemple de la psychologie clinique. Psychologie Canadienne/Canadian Psychology, 51, 194–205.

Parent-Boursier, C., & Hébert, M. (2010). La perception de la relation père-enfant et l'adaptation des enfants suivant le dévoilement d'une agression sexuelle. Revue Canadienne des Sciences du Comportement, 42(3), 168–176.

Péloquin, K., & Lafontaine, M.-F. (2010). Measuring empathy in couples: Validity and reliability of the Interpersonal Reactivity Index for Couples. Journal of Personality Assessment, 92(2), 146–157.

Péloquin, K., & Lafontaine, M.-F. (2010). What are the correlates of infertility-related clinical anxiety? A literature review and the presentation of a conceptual model. Marriage and Family Review, 46(8), 580–619.

Pesant, N., & Zadra, A. (2010). L'utilisation des rêves en psychothérapie: une approche intégrative. Revue Québécoise de Psychologie, 31(2), 9–31.

Rosen, N. O., Bergeron, S., Leclerc, B., Lambert, B., & Steben, M. (2010). Woman and partner-perceived partner responses predict pain and sexual satisfaction in vestibulodynia couples. Journal of Sexual Medicine, 7(11), 3715–3724.

St-Jacques, J., Bouchard, S., & Bélanger, C. (2010). Is virtual reality effective to motivate and raise interest in phobic children toward therapy? A clinical trial study of in vivo with in virtuo versus in vivo only treatment exposure. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 71(7), 924–931.

Tanguay-Beaudoin, L., Guérin, A., Fortin-Chevalier, J., & Brassard, A. (2010). Construction et validation du questionnaire d'estime de soi hiérarchique (QESH) chez les jeunes adultes. Revue Québécoise de Psychologie, 31(2), 151–172.

Touchette, E., & Dion, J. (2010). Les liens entre la réduction de sommeil et l'obésité infantile. Revue Québécoise de Psychologie, 31, 1–14.

Tourigny, M., Poirier, M-A, Dion, J., & Boisvert, I. (2010). Recommandation de placement de l'enfant dans le contexte de la protection de la jeunesse : Facteurs associés. Revue de Psychoéducation, 39(2), 165–187.

Vaillancourt, L., & Bélanger, C. (2010). Étude exploratoire des attitudes face à l'activité physique chez les sujets souffrant d'un trouble panique. Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science/Revue Canadienne des Sciences du Comportement, 42(4), 293–301

Vaillancourt, L., Bélanger, C., Léger-Bélanger, M.P., Jacob, R., & Lapalme, M. (2010). L'inconfort spatio-moteur: Un marqueur des dysfonctions vestibulaires chez les sujets avec un trouble panique. Revue Francophone de Clinique Comportementale et Cognitive, 15(4), 3–14.

Vézina, J., Hébert, M., Poulin, F., Lavoie, F., Vitaro, F., & Tremblay, R. E. (2010). Risky lifestyle as a mediator of the relationship between deviant peer affiliation and dating violence victimization among adolescent girls. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 40(7), 814824. doi:10.1007/s10964-010-9602-x.