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Publications 2017

Scientific Articles

Alaggia, R., Collin-Vézina, D., & Lateef, R. (2017). Facilitators and barriers to child sexual abuse (CSA) disclosures : A research update (2000-2016). Trauma, Violence, & Abuse, Advance online publication, 1-24. doi:10.1177/1524838017697312.  

Alix, S., Cossette, L., Hébert, M., Cyr, M., & Frappier, J.-Y. (2017). Posttraumatic stress disorder and suicidal ideation among sexually abused adolescent girls: The mediating role of shame. Journal of Child Sexual Abuse, 26, 158-174. doi:10.1080/10538712.2017.1280577

Alonzo-Proulx, A., & Cyr, M. (2017). Traitement des plaintes d’agression sexuelle envers les enfants à travers le système de justice criminel québécois. Revue canadienne de criminologie et de justice pénale, 59, 397-424. doi:10.3138/cjccj.2015.F05

Ayotte, M.-H., Lanctôt, N., & Tourigny, M. (2017). The association between the working alliance with adolescent girls in residential care and their trauma-related symptoms in emerging adulthood. Child and Youth Care Forum, 46, 601-620. doi:10.1007/s10566-017-9398-x

Bélanger, C., Courchesne, C., Leduc, A. G., Dugal, C., El Baalbaki, G., Marchand, A., Godbout, N., Marcaurelle, R., & Perreault, M. (2017). Predictors for dropout from cognitive-behavioral treatment in patients with panic disorder and agoraphobia : An exploratory study. Behavior Modification, 41, 113-140.

Bergeron, M., Hébert, M., & Gaudreau, L. (2017). Les effets d’une formation dans le domaine de la violence sexuelle sur les connaissances, les attitudes et le sentiment d’auto-efficacité d’intervenants en milieu scolaire. Revue canadienne de santé mentale communautaire. doi:10.7870/cjcmh-2017-015

Bigras, N., Daspe, M.-È., Godbout, N., Briere, J., & Sabourin, S. (2017). Cumulative childhood trauma and adult sexual satisfaction: Mediation by affect dysregulation and sexual anxiety in men and women. Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy, 43, 377-396. doi:10.1080/0092623X.2016.1176609 

Bigras, N., Godbout, N., Hébert, M., & Sabourin, S. (2017). Cumulative adverse childhood experiences and sexual satisfaction in sex therapy patients: What role for symptom complexity? The Journal of Sexual Medicine, 14 444-454.

Bigras, N., Godbout, N., Hébert, M., & Sabourin, S. (2017). Cumulative adverse childhood experiences and sexual satisfaction in sex therapy patients: What role for symptom complexity? The Journal of Sexual Medicine, 14, 444–454. doi:10.1016/j.jsxm.2017.01.013

Blais, M. (dir, 2017). Genres et sexualités chez les jeunes, Service social, 63(2).

Bradette-Laplante, M., Carbonneau, É., Provencher, V., Bégin, C., Robitaille, J., Desroches, S., ... Lemieux, S. (2017). Development and validation of a nutrition knowledge questionnaire for a Canadian population. Public health nutrition20, 1184–1192. doi:10.1017/S1368980016003372

Boucetta, S., Montplaisir, J., Zadra, A., Lachapelle, F., Soucy, J.-P., Gravel, P., & Dang-Vu, T. T. (2017). Altered Regional Cerebral Blood Flow in Idiopathic Hypersomnia. SLEEP [Epub ahead of print]

Brault-Labbé, A., Brassard, A., & Gasparetto, C. A. (2017). Un nouveau modèle d'engagement conjugal : Validation du Questionnaire multimodal d'engagement conjugal. Revue canadienne des sciences du comportement, 49, 231-242.

Briere, J., Dias, C. P., Semple, R. J., Scott, C., Bigras, N., & Godbout, N. (2017). Acute stress symptoms in seriously injured patients: Precipitating versus cumulative trauma and the contribution of peritraumatic distress. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 30, 381-388. doi:10.1002/jts.22200

Briere, J., Runtz, M., Eadie, E., Bigras, N., & Godbout, N. (2017). Disengaged parenting: Structural equation modeling with child abuse, insecure attachment, and adult symptomatology. Child Abuse & Neglect, 67, 260–270. doi:10.1016/j.chiabu.2017.02.036

Burns, W., Péloquin, K., Sultan, S., Moghrabi, A., Marcoux, S., Krajinovic, M., Sinnett, D., Laverdière, C., & Robaey, P. (2017). A 2-year dyadic longitudinal study of mothers’ and fathers’ marital adjustment when caring for a child with cancer. Psycho-Oncology, 26, 1660-1666.

Burrows, K. S., Bearman, M., Dion, J., & Powell, M. B. (2017). Children’s use of sexual body part terms in witness interviews about sexual abuse. Child Abuse & Neglect, 65, 226-235.

Collin-Vézina, D., Daignault, I. V., & Cyr, M. (2017). L’agression sexuelle commise sur les mineurs: les victimes, les auteurs. Criminologie, 50, 5-9.

Collin-Vézina, D., & Garrido, E.F. (2017). Current issues in child sexual abuse, gender and health outcomes: Shedding new lights to inform worldwide policy and practice. Child Abuse & Neglect, 63, 245-248. doi:10.1016/j.chiabu.2016.11.032

Corsini-Munt, S., Bergeron, S., Rosen, N.O., Beaulieu, N., & Steben, M. (2017). A dyadic perspective on childhood maltreatment for women with provoked vestibulodynia and their partners: Associations with pain, sexual and psychosocial functioning. Journal of Sex Research, 54, 308-318. doi:10.1080/00224499.2016.1158229

Cyr, K., Chamberland, C., Clément, M-È., Wemmers, J.-A., Collin-Vézina, D., Lessard, G., Gagné, M.-H., & Damant, D. (2017). The impact of lifetime victimization and polyvictimization on adolescents in Quebec: mental health symptoms and gender differences. Violence and Victims, 32, 3-21. doi:10.1891/0886-6708.VV-D-14-00020

Daigneault, I., Bourgeois, C., Vézina-Gagnon, P., Alie-Poirier, A., Dargan, S., Hébert, M., & Frappier, J.-Y. (2017). Physical and mental health of sexually abused boys: A 5 year matched-control and cohort study. Journal of Child & Adolescent Trauma, 10, 9-17. doi:10.1007/s40653-016-0120-1

Daigneault, I., Esposito, T., Bourgeois, C., Hébert, M., & Frappier, J.-Y. (2017). Health Service Use of Sexually Abused Adolescents Aging Out of Care: A Prospective Study. International Journal of Child and Adolescent Resilience, 5, 1-14.

Daigneault, I., Hébert, M., Bourgeois, C., Dargan, S., & Frappier, J.-Y. (2017). Santé mentale et physique des filles et garçons agressés sexuellement: Une étude de cas contrôle apparié avec un suivi de cohorte sur 10 ans. Criminologie, 50, 99-125. doi:10.7202/1039798ar

Daigneault, I., Vézina-Gagnon, P., Bourgeois, C., Esposito, T., & Hébert, M. (2017). Physical and mental health of sexually abused youth: Gender comparisons from a matched-control cohort study. Child Abuse & Neglect, 66, 155-165. doi:10.1016/j.chiabu.2017.02.038

Daignault, I. V., Hébert, M., & Pelletier, M. (2017). L’influence du système de justice sur le rétablissement d’enfants victimes d’agression sexuelle et suivis dans un centre d’appui aux enfants. Criminologie, 50, 51-75. doi:10.7202/1039796ar

Daspe, M.-È., Lussier, Y., Desaulniers, V., Godbout, N., Perron, A., Sabourin, S., & Bronsard, F. (2017). Personnalité et distorsions cognitives des agresseurs sexuels: Changements longitudinaux suite à un traitement pour agression sexuelle envers les enfants. Criminologie, 50, 233-262.

Desjardins, M.-È, Carrier, J., Lina, J. M., Fortin, M., Gosselin, N., Montplaisir, J., & Zadra, A. (2017). EEG Functional Connectivity Prior to Sleepwalking: Evidence of Interplay Between Sleep and Wakefulness. SLEEP 40. doi:10.1093/sleep/zsx024

Déziel, J., Godbout, N., & Hébert, M. (2017). Anxiety, dispositional mindfulness, and sexual desire in men consulting in clinical sexology: A mediational model. Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy. doi:10.1080/0092623X.2017.1405308

Dion, J. (2017). Question de l’heure : Les enfants victimes d’agression sexuelle : quelles sont les répercussions et comment intervenir? La Foucade, 17, 10-12. Advanced online publication.

Dion, J., Paquette, L., Daigneault, I., Godbout, N., & Hébert, M. (2017). Validation of the French version of the Child and Adolescent Mindfulness Measure (CAMM) among samples of French and Indigenous youth. Mindfulness. doi:10.1007/s12671-017-0807-x

Dubé, J. P., Bergeron, S., Muise, A., Impett, E., & Rosen, N. O. (2017). A comparison of approach and avoidance sexual goals in couples with provoked vestibulodynia and community controls. The Journal of Sexual Medicine14, 1412-1420.

Dubé, S., Lavoie, F., Blais, M., & Hébert, M. (2017). Consequences of casual sex relationships and experiences on adolescents’ psychological well-being: A prospective study. Journal of Sex Research, 54, 1006-1017.

Dubé, S., Lavoie, F., Blais, M., & Hébert, M. (2017). Psychological well-being as a predictor of casual sex relationships and experiences among adolescents: Short-term prospective study. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 46, 1807-1818.

Dufour, C., Tougas, A.-M., Tourigny, M., Paquette, G., & Hélie, S. (2017). Profil psychosocial des enfants présentant des comportements sexuels problématiques dans les services québécois de protection de l’enfance. Revue canadienne de service social, 34, 23-45. doi:10.7202/1040993ar 

Ensink, K., Berthelot, N., Bégin, M., Maheux, J., & Normandin, L. (2017). Dissociation mediates the relationship between sexual abuse and child psychological difficulties. Child Abuse & Neglect, 69, 116-124.

Ensink, K., Bégin, M., Normandin, L., Godbout, N., & Fonagy, P. (2017). Mentalization and dissociation in the context of trauma: Implications for child psychopathology. Trauma and Dissociation, 18, 11-30.

Fallon, B., Collin-Vézina, D., King, B., & Joh-Carnella N. (2017). Clinical differences and outcomes of sexual abuse investigations by gender: Implications for policy and practice. Journal of Child and Adolescent Trauma, 10, 77-86. doi:10.1007/s40653-016-0121-0

Ferron, A., Lussier, Y., Sabourin, S., & Brassard, A. (2017). The role of Internet pornography use and cyber infidelity in the associations between personality, attachment, and couple and sexual satisfaction. Social Networking, 6, 1-18.

Gagnier, C., Collin-Vézina, D., & De La Sablonnière-Griffin, M. (2017). The journey of obtaining services: The reality of male survivors of childhood sexual abuse. Journal of Child and Adolescent Trauma, 10, 129-137. doi:10.1007/s40653-017-0141-4

Gagnon, K., & Cyr, M. (2017). Sexual abuse and preschoolers: Forensic details in regard of question types. Child Abuse & Neglect, 67, 109-118. doi:10.1016/j.chiabu.2017.02.022

Gamache, D., Savard, C., Lemelin, S., Côté, A., & Villeneuve, E. (2017). Premature psychotherapy termination in an outpatient treatment program for personality disorders: a survival analysis. Comprehensive Psychiatry. doi:10.1016/j.comppsych.2017.08.001

Gamache, D., Savard, C., Lemelin, S., & Villeneuve, E. (2017). Development and validation of the Treatment Attrition-Retention Scale for Personality Disorders. Journal of Personality Disorders. doi:10.1521/pedi_2017_31_279

Gamache, D., Savard, C., Lemelin, S., & Villeneuve, É. (2017). Development and validation of the Treatment Prognosis Scale for personality disorders (TPS-PD). Journal of personality disorders, 31, 1-21.

Gamache, D., Savard, C., Lemelin, S., & Villeneuve, É. (2017). Traitement des troubles de la personnalité : quelles caractéristiques du client ont le plus d’impact sur l’abandon thérapeutique? Psychologie Québec, 34, 24-27.

Gamache, D., Savard, C., & Maheux, V. (2017). French adaptation of the Short Dark Triad: psychometric properties and a head-to-head comparison with the Dirty Dozen. Personality and individual differences, 122, 164-170. doi:10.1016/j.paid.2017.10.027

Gauthier-Duchesne, A., Hébert, M., & Daspe, M.-È. (2017). Culpabilité chez les enfants victimes d'agression sexuelle: Le rôle médiateur des stratégies d'évitement sur l'anxiété et l'estime de soi. Criminologie, 50, 181-201. doi:10.7202/1039801ar

Gauthier-Duchesne, A., Hébert, M., & Daspe, M-È. (2017). Gender as a predictor of posttraumatic stress symptoms and externalizing behavior problems in sexually abused children. Child Abuse & Neglect, 64, 79-88. doi:10.1016/j.chiabu.2016.12.008

Godbout, N., Daspe, M. È., Lussier, Y., Sabourin, S., Dutton, D., & Hébert, M. (2017). Early exposure to violence, relationship violence, and relationship satisfaction in adolescents and emerging adults: The role of romantic attachment. Psychological trauma: theory, research, practice, and policy9, 127–137. doi:10.1037/tra0000136

Godbout, N., Vaillancourt-Morel, M.-P., Bigras, N., Briere, J., Hébert, M., Runtz, M., & Sabourin, S. (2017). Intimate partner violence in male survivors of child maltreatment: A meta-analysis. Trauma, Violence and Abuse, 1-15. DOI:

Gouin, J.-P., Zhou, Q. Q., Booij, L., Boivin, M., Côté, S. M., Hébert, M., Ouellet-Morin, I., Szyf, M., Tremblay, R. E., Turecki, G., & Vitaro, F. (2017). Associations among oxytocin receptor gene (OXTR) DNA methylation in adulthood, exposure to early life adversity, and childhood trajectories of anxiousness and disruptiveness.Scientific Reports, 7, 1-14.

Gruber, R., Constantin, E., Frappier, J.-Y., Brouillette, R. T.,  & Wise, M. (2017). Training, Knowledge, Attitudes And Practices Of Canadian Healthcare Providers Regarding Sleep and Sleep Disorders In Children. Paediatrics & Child Health, 22, 322-327.

Guay, A., Aunos, M., & Collin-Vézina, D. (2017). Mothering with an intellectual disability: A phenomenological exploration of making infant-feeding decisions. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 30, 511-520. doi:10.1111/jar.12298

Hébert, M., Blais, M., & Lavoie, F. (2017). Prevalence of teen dating victimization among a representative sample of high school students in Quebec. International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology, 17, 225-233

Hébert, M., Daspe, M.-È., Blais, M., Lavoie, F., & Guerrier, M. (2017). Agression sexuelle et violence dans les relations amoureuses : Le rôle médiateur du stress post-traumatique. Criminologie, 50, 157-179. doi:10.7202/1039800ar

Hébert, M., Daspe, M.-È., Lapierre, A., Godbout, N., Blais, M., Fernet, M., & Lavoie, F. (2017). A meta-analysis of risk and protective factors for dating violence victimization: The role of family and peer interpersonal context. Trauma, Violence, & Abuse. doi:10.1177/1524838017725336

Hébert, M., Langevin, R., Guidi, E., Bernard-Bonnin, A.-C., & Allard-Dansereau, C. (2017). Sleep problems and dissociation in preschool victims of sexual abuse. Journal of Trauma and Dissociation, 18, 507-521. doi:10.1080/15299732.2016.1240739

Hébert, M., Moreau, C., Blais, M., Lavoie, F., & Guerrier, M. (2017). Child sexual abuse as a risk factor for teen dating violence: Findings from a representative sample of Quebec youth. Journal of Child and Adolescent Trauma, 10, 51-61.

Labadie, C., Godbout, N., Vaillancourt-Morel, M.-P., & Sabourin, S. (2017). Adult profiles of child sexual abuse survivors: Attachment insecurity, sexual compulsivity, and sexual avoidance. Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy. doi:10.1080/0092623X.2017.1405302

Lafontaine, J. & Cyr, M. (2017). The relation between interviewers’ personal characteristics and investigative interview performance in a child sexual abuse context. Police Practice and Research18, 106-118. doi:10.1080/15614263.2016.1242423

Langevin, R., Hébert, M., Guidi. E., Bernard-Bonnin, A. C., & Allard-Dansereau, C. (2017). Sleep problems over a year in sexually abused preschoolers. Paediatrics & Child Health, 22, 273-276doi:10.1093/pch/pxx077

Leclair-Mallette, I.-A., Paquette, G., & Letarte, M.-J. (2017). La fidélité d'implantation d'un programme probant au-delà de son implantation initiale: l'exemple de Ces années incroyables en protection de l'enfance de 2003 à 2013. Revue canadienne d'évaluation de programme, 32, 90-108.

Lewy, J., Cyr, M., & Dion, J. (2017). Soutien des intervieweurs et collaboration des enfants lors des entrevues d’enquête. Criminologie, 50, 2017, 11-33.

MacIntosh, H. B., & Esposito, T. (2017). Measuring Reflective Functioning in Couple Therapy with Trauma Survivors:  An exploration of the use of the Computerized Text Analysis of Reflective Functioning. International Journal of Psychoanalysis and Education, 9, 5-22.

MacIntosh, H. B. (2017). A Bridge Across Silent Trauma: Art, Enactment, and Emergence in the Treatment of a Traumatized Adolescence. Psychoanalytic Dialogues, 27, 433-453.

Mathews, B., & Collin-Vézina, D. (2017). Child sexual abuse: Toward a conceptual model and definition. Trauma, Violence, & Abuse. Advance online publication, 1-18. doi:10.1177/1524838017738726.

McNicoll, G., Corsini-Munt, S., Rosen, N.O., McDuff, P., & Bergeron, S. (2017). Sexual assertiveness mediates the associations between partner facilitative responses and sexual outcomes in women with provoked vestibulodynia. Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy, 43, 663-677. doi:10.1080/0092623X.2016.1230806 

Mian, M., & Collin-Vézina, D. (2017). Adopting a public health approach to addressing child sexual abuse and exploitation, Child Abuse & Neglect, 66, 152-154. doi:10.1016/j.chiabu.2017.02.035

Morin, M., Binik, Y. M., Bourbonnais, D., Khalifé, S., Ouellet, S., & Bergeron, S. (2017). Heightened pelvic floor muscle tone and altered contractility in women with provoked vestibulodynia. Journal of Sexual Medicine, 14, 592-600. doi:10.1016/j.jsxm.2017.02.012

Morin, M., Carroll, M.-S., & Bergeron, S. (2017). Systematic review of the effectiveness of physical therapy modalities in women with provoked vestibulodynia. Sexual Medicine Reviews, 5, 295-322. doi:10.1016/j.sxmr.2017.02.003

Muise, A., Bergeron, S., Impett, E. A., & Rosen, N. O. (2017). The costs and benefits of sexual communal motivation for couples coping with vulvodynia. Health Psychology, 36, 819–827. doi:10.1037/hea0000470

Ostiguy, C., Meilleur, D., Taddeo, D., & Frappier, J.-Y. (2017). Intensité du trouble alimentaire et motivation au changement chez des adolescentes atteintes d'anorexie   Eating disorder severity and readiness to change in adolescent girls with anorexia nervosa. Neuropsychiatrie de l'enfance et de l'adolescence, 65, 137-145.

Paquette, G., Dion, J., Tremblay, K.N., Tourigny, M., Matteau, S., Bouchard, J., & Hélie, S. (2017). Differences between sexually abused children with and without an intellectual disability. International Journal of Victimology, 34, 29-34.

Paquette, G., Tourigny, M., Baril, K., Joly, J., & Séguin, M. (2017). Mauvais traitements subis dans l'enfance et problèmes de santé mentale à l'âge adulte: une étude nationale conduite auprès des Québécoises. Santé mentale au Québec, 42, 43-63.

Paradis, A., Hébert, M., & Fernet, M. (2017). Dyadic dynamics in young couples reporting dating violence: An actor-partner interdependence model. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 32, 130-148. doi:10.1177/0886260515585536

Parent, S., & Fortier, K. (2017). Prevalence of interpersonal violence against athletes in the sport context. Current Opinion in Psychology, 16, 165-169. doi:10.1016/j.copsyc.2017.05.012

Pazmany, E., Ly, H.G., Aerts, L., Kano, M., Bergeron, S., Verhaeghe, J., ... Van Oudenhove, L. (2017). Brain responses to vestibular pain and its anticipation in women with genito-pelvic pain/penetration disorder. NeuroImage: Clinical, 16, 477-490. doi: 10.1016/j.nicl.2017.07.017

Philippe, J., Bergeron, M., Côté, M., & Bégin, C. (2017). Profil alimentaire et conjugal selon l’asymétrie du poids des partenaires. Journal sur l’Identité, les Relations Interpersonnelles et les Relations Intergroupes, 10, 35-45.

Proulx-Boucher, K., Fernet, M., Blais, M., Lapointe, N., Samson, J., Lévy, J. J., … Trottier, G. (2017). Stigma Management Trajectories in Youth with Perinatally Acquired HIV and Their Families: A Qualitative Perspective. AIDS and Behavior, 21, 2682‑2692. Advanced online publication.

Pukall, C. F., Bergeron, S., Brown, C., Bachmann, G., & Wesselmann, U. (2017). Recommendations for self-report outcome measures in vulvodynia clinical trials. Clinical Journal of Pain, 33, 756-765. doi:10.1097/AJP.0000000000000453

Rancourt, K. M., Flynn, M., Bergeron, S., & Rosen, N. O. (2017). It takes two: Sexual communication patterns and the sexual and relational adjustment of couples coping with provoked vestibulodynia. Journal of Sexual Medicine, 14, 434–443. doi:10.1016/j.jsxm.2017.01.009

Rodrigue, C., Blais, M., Lavoie, F., Adam, B. D., Magontier, C., Rodrigue, C., Goyer, M.-F., & Adam, B. D. (2017). Passion, Intimacy, and Commitment in Casual Sexual Relationships in a Canadian Sample of Emerging Adults Relationships in a Canadian Sample of Emerging Adults. The Journal of Sex Research, 1‑14. Advanced online publication.

Rosen, N. O., Dewitte, M., Merwin, K., & Bergeron, S. (2017). Interpersonal goals and wellbeing in couples coping with genito-pelvic pain. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 46, 2007-2019. doi:10.1007/s10508-016-0877-1

Ruel, C., Lavoie, F., Hébert, M., & Blais, M. (2017). Gender’s role in exposure to interparental violence, attitudes of acceptation of violence, self-efficacy and physical teen dating violence among Quebec adolescents. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. doi:10.1177/0886260517707311

Santerre-Baillargeon, M., Vézina-Gagnon, P., Daigneault, I., Landry, T., & Bergeron, S. (2017). Anxiety mediates the relation between childhood sexual abuse and genito-pelvic pain in adolescent girls. Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy, 43, 774-785. doi:10.1080/0092623X.2016.1266539

Savard, C., Paquin, S., Maranda, J., Dompierre, R.-C., Germain-Bédard, M., & Sabourin, S. (2017). Trouble de la personnalité, conflits amoureux et crise suicidaire: Construits fondamentaux et intervention de groupe novatrice. Psychologie Québec, 34Exclusivité en ligne

Savard, C., Simard, C., & Jonason, P.K. (2017). Psychometric properties of the French-Canadian version of the Dark Triad Dirty Dozen. Personality and individual differences, 119, 122-128.

Séguin-Lemire, A., Hébert, M., Cossette, L., & Langevin, R. (2017). A longitudinal study of emotion regulation among sexually abused preschoolers. Child Abuse & Neglect, 63, 307-316. doi:10.1016/j.chiabu.2016.11.027

Séguin, L. J., Blais, M., Goyer, M.-F., Adam, B. D., Lavoie, F., Rodrigue, C., & Magontier, C. (2017). Examining relationship quality across three types of relationship agreements. Sexualities20, 86–104. doi:10.1177/1363460716649337

Silva, D., & Collin-Vézina, D. (2017). Étude sur les changements apportés aux processus de traitement des cas d’agression sexuelle. Criminologie, 50, 35-49. doi:10.7202/1039795ar. Open Access:

Spidel, A., Lecomte, T., Kealy, D., & Daigneault, I. (2017). Acceptance and commitment therapy for psychosis and trauma: Improvement in psychiatric symptoms, emotion regulation, and treatment compliance following a brief group intervention. Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice, 1-14. doi:10.1111/papt.12159

Stheneur, C., Bergeron, S., Frappier, J.-Y., Jamoulle, O., Taddeo, D., Sznajder, M., & Lapeyraque, A. L. (2017). Renal Injury in Pediatric Anorexia Nervosa: a Retrospective Study. Eating and Weight Disorders - Studies on Anorexia, Bulimia and Obesity, 1-5.

Thibodeau, M.-È., Lavoie, F., Hébert, M., & Blais, M. (2017) Childhood maltreatment and adolescent sexual risk behaviors: Unique, cumulative and interactive effects. Child Abuse & Neglect, 72, 411-420. doi:10.1016/j.chiabu.2017.09.002

Thibodeau, M.-È., Lavoie, F., Hébert, M., & Blais, M. (2017). Pathways linking childhood maltreatment and adolescent sexual risk behaviors: The role of attachment security. The Journal of Sex Research, 54, 994-1005.

Thibault, I., Pauzé, R., Bravo, G., Lavoie, E., Pesant, C., DiMeglio, G., Frappier, J.-Y., Meilleur, D., Nadeau, P. O., Stheneur, C., & Taddeo, D. (2017). Quelles sont les caractéristiques individuelles, familiales et sociales distinguant l’anorexie mentale prépubère et pubère. Revue canadienne de psychiatrie, 62, 837-844.

Vaillancourt-Morel, M.-P., Blais-Lecours, S., Labadie, C., Bergeron, S., Sabourin, S., & Godbout, N. (2017). Profiles of cyberpornography use and sexual well-being in adults. Journal of Sexual Medicine, 14, 78–85. doi:10.1016/j.jsxm.2016.10.016

Vaillancourt-Morel, M.-P., Blais-Lecours, S., Labadie, C., Bergeron, S., Sabourin, S., & Godbout, N. (2017). Response to editorial comment: “Profiles of cyberpornography use and sexual well-being in adults”. Journal of Sexual Medicine, 14, 87. doi:10.1016/j.jsxm.2016.11.320

van Vugt, E., Lanctôt, N., Paquette, G., & Lemieux, A. (2017). La transition des jeunes femmes hors des centres de réadaptation : mieux comprendre le rôle de l'agression sexuelle sur des mineures et des symptômes liés au trauma. Criminologie, 50, 127-155.

Vannier, S. A., Rosen, N. O., Bergeron, S., & Mackinnon, S. P. (2017). Maintaining affection despite pain: Daily associations between physical affection and sexual and relationship well-being in women with genito-pelvic pain. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 46, 2021-2031. doi:10.1007/s10508-016-0820-5