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Publications 2022

Scientific Articles

Allard-Gaudreau, N., Laforest, M., & Cyr, M. (2022). Les modalités du non-dévoilement dans les récits d'enfants victimes d'agression sexuelle: une étude de l'ellipse narrative. Revue des Travaux Neuchâtelois de Linguistique (TRANEL), 75, 1-19.

Amédée, L. M., Cyr-Desautels, L., Bénard, H., Pascuzzo, K., Dubois-Comtois, K., Hébert, M., Matte-Gagné, C., & Cyr, C. (2022). Cognitive flexibility moderates the association between severity of maltreatment and emotion regulation in residential care children of the middle childhood period. Developmental Child Welfare, 4(3), 217-234.

Aubrey, M., Morin, A., Fernet, C., & Carbonneau, N. (2022). Financial well-being: Capturing an elusive construct with an optimized measure. Frontiers in Psychology, 4770.

Audet, A., Brassard, A., Dugal, C., Claing, A., Daspe, M.-E., Savard, C., Lafontaine, M.-F., Péloquin, K., & Godbout, N. (2022). Intimate partner violence perpetrated by men seeking help: The explanatory role of psychological distress and affect dysregulation. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. Advance online publication. 

Azzi, S., Lafontaine, M.-F., & Péloquin, K. (2022). I’ll be there for you: Couples’ support providing and seeking behaviors in a stressful situation. Marriage& Family Review. 1-27. 

Bakhos, G., Rassart, C.-A., Bélanger, C., Paradis, A., Hébert, M., & Godbout, N. (2022). Validation d’une version canadienne-française de l’Échelle de Stress Parental auprès de parents québécois [Validation of a French-Canadian version of the Parental Stress Scale with Quebec Parents]. Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science / Revue canadienne des sciences du comportement. Advance online publication.

Barbeau, K., Carbonneau, N., & Pelletier, L. (2022). Family members and peers’ negative and positive body talk: How they relate to adolescent girls’ body talk and eating disorder symptoms. Body Image, 40, 213-224.

Beaulieu, N., Bergeron, S., Brassard, A., Byers, E. S., & Péloquin, K. (2022). Toward an integrative model of intimacy, sexual satisfaction, and relationship satisfaction: A prospective study in long-term couples. The Journal of Sex Research. Advance online publication.

Beaulieu, N., Brassard, A., Bergeron, S., & Péloquin, K. (2022). Why do you have sex and does it make you feel better? Integrating attachment theory, sexual motives, and sexual well-being in long-term couples. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 39(12), 3753-3774.

Bécotte, K., Brassard, A., Brault-Labbé, A., Gagné, A.-L., & Péloquin, K. (2022). Positive Relationship Adaptation of Couples Transitioning to Parenthood: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis. Family Relations, 1-19. Advance online publication

Bélanger, C., Dumoulin, C., Bergeron, S., Mayrand, M.-H., Khalifé, S., Waddell, G., Dubois, M.-F., Morin, M., & PVD group (2022). Pain characteristics, fear-avoidance variables and pelvic floor function as predictors of treatment response to physical therapy in women with provoked vestibulodynia. The Clinical Journal of Pain, 38(5), 360-367. doi:10.1097/AJP.0000000000001030

Bergeron, S., Bigras, N., & Vaillancourt-Morel, M.-P. (2022). Child maltreatment and couples’ sexual health: A systematic review. Sexual Medicine Reviews, 10(4), 567-582.

Berthelot, N., Drouin-Maziade, C., Bergeron, V., Garon-Bissonnette, J., & Sériès, T. (2022). Une intervention brève pour favoriser le bien-être des femmes enceintes pendant la pandémie de COVID-19 et soutenir la résilience des familles. Revue internationale de la résilience des enfants et des adolescents, 9(1).

Berthelot, N., Garon-Bissonnette, J., Jomphe, V., Doucet-Beaupré, H., Bureau, A., & Maziade, M. (2022). Childhood trauma may increase risk of schizophrenia and mood disorder in genetically high-risk children and adolescents by enhancing the accumulation of risk indicators. Schizophrenia Bulletin Open, 3(1).

Berthelot, N., Goupil, É., Drouin-Maziade, C., Lacharité, L., Lemieux, R., & Garon-Bissonnette, J. (2022). L’expérience des participantes au programme STEP : une intervention prénatale pour les femmes ayant subi de mauvais traitements durant leur enfance. Revue de Psychoéducation, 51(3), 227-249. 

Blais, M., Hébert, M., Bergeron, F-A., & Lapierre, A. (2022). Dating violence experiences among youths with same-gender and multi-gender dating partners: A dyadic concordance type approach. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 37(7-8), NP3981-NP4005.

Bolduc, R., Hébert, M., & Godbout, N. (2022). Questionnaire bref des dynamiques de pouvoir sexuelles : Validation francophone auprès de deux échantillons québécois d’adultes consultant en thérapie sexuelle et de couples issus de la communauté. Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science / Revue canadienne des sciences du comportement. Advance online publication.

Bolduc M.-L., Martin-Storey, A., & Paquette, G. (2022). Correlates of sexual harassment victimisation among adolescents: A scoping review. Journal of Social Issues, 1-27.

Bosisio, M., Rosen, N. O., Dubé, J. H., Vaillancourt-Morel, M-P., Daspe, M-È., & Bergeron, S. (2022). Will you be happy for me? Associations between self-reported, perceived, and observed responses to positive events and sexual well-being in cohabiting couples. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships,  39(8), 2454-2477.

Bőthe, B., Vaillancourt-Morel, M.-P., Dion, J., Paquette, M.-M., Massé-Pfister, M., Tóth-Király, I., & Bergeron, S. (2022). A longitudinal study of adolescents’ pornography use frequency, motivations, and problematic use before and during the COVID‑19. Special Issue of Archives of Sexual Behavior on the Impact of COVID-19 on Sexual Health and Behaviors, 51(1), 139-156. 

Boudreault, V., Gagnon-Girouard, M.P., Carbonneau, N., Labossiere, S., Bégin, C., & Parent, S. (2022). Extreme Weight Control Behaviours among Adolescent Athletes: Links with Weight-Related Maltreatment from Parents and Coaches and Sport Ethic Norms. International Review for the Sociology of Sport, 57(3), 421-439.

Bourget, F., El Amiri, S., Brassard, A., & Péloquin, K. (2022). Perceived Injustice and Psychological Well-Being in Couples Seeking Fertility Treatment. Journal of Family Issues, 0192513X221087724.

Brassard, A., Charbachi, N., Claing, A., Godbout, N., Savard, C., Lafontaine, M.-F., & Péloquin, K. (2022). Childhood Sexual Abuse, Dyadic Empathy, and Intimate Partner Violence among Men Seeking Psychological Help. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. Advance online publication.

Brassard, A., Gagnon, C., Claing, A., Dugal, C., Savard, C., & Péloquin, K. (2022). Can romantic attachment and psychopathy concomitantly explain the forms and severity of perpetrated intimate partner violence in men seeking treatment? Partner Abuse, 13(1), 1-21. Advance online publication. 

Brodeur, G., Fernet, M., Hébert, M., & Wekerle, C. (2022). Adapting Adolescent Dating Violence Prevention Interventions to Victims of Childhood Sexual Abuse. Health Promotion Practice. Advance online publication.

Cabecinha-Alati, S., Montreuil, T., & Langevin, R. (2022). The role of maternal child maltreatment history and unsupportive emotion socialization in the intergenerational transmission of emotion regulation difficulties. Child Abuse and Neglect, 129.

Canivet, C., Bolduc, R., & Godbout, N. (2022). Exploring variations in individuals’ relationships to sexual fantasies: A latent class analysis. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 51, 589-600 

Cénat, J. M., Mukunzi, J. N., Clorméus, L. A., Dalexis, R. D., Lafontaine, M-F., Guerrier, M., & Hébert, M. (2022). Prevalence and factors related to dating violence victimization and perpetration among a representative sample of adolescents and young adults in Haiti. Child Abuse & Neglect, 28, Article 105597.

Charbonneau-Lefebvre, V., Vaillancourt-Morel, M.-P., Rosen, N. O., Steben, M., & Bergeron, S. (2022). Attachment and childhood maltreatment as moderators of treatment outcome in a randomized clinical trial for provoked vestibulodynia. Journal of Sexual Medicine, 19(3), 479-495.

Cheng, P., & Langevin, R. (2022). Unpacking the effects of child maltreatment subtypes on emotional competence in emerging adults. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy. Advance online publication.

Cloutier-Bergeron, A., Samson, A., Provencher, V., Mongeau, L., Paquette, M.-C., Turcotte, M., & Bégin, C. (2022). Health at every size intervention under real-world conditions: the rights and wrongs of program implementation. Health psychology and behavioral medicine, 10(1), 935-955.

Collin-Vézina, D., & Carnevale, F. (2022). Questioning the value of compliance-oriented programs with traumatized children and youth: A childhood ethics perspective. JAMA Pediatrics.

Collin-Vézina, D., Fallon, B., & Caldwell, J. (2022). Children and youth mental health: Not all equal in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic. Reference Collection in Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Psychology.

Collin-Vézina, D., & Jackson, S. (2022). Relations at the hearth of foster children, youth and family’s wellness. Child Abuse & Neglect.

Côté, M., Lemieux, S., Duhoux, A., Dion, J., Gagnon-Girouard, M.P., Aimé, A., & Bégin, C. (2022). Attitudes négatives face à l’obésité au sein d’un échantillon québécois. Revue québécoise de psychologie, 43(3), 111-131. 

Côté, P.-B., Flynn, C., Dubé, K., Fernet, M., Maheu, J., Gosselin-Pelerin, A., Couturier, P., Cribb, M., Petrucci, G., & Cousineau, M.-M. (2022). “It made me so vulnerable”: Victim-blaming and disbelief of child sexual abuse as triggers of social exclusion leading women to homelessness. Journal of Child Sexual Abuse, 31(2), 177-195.

Couture, S., Hébert, M., & Fernet, M. (2022).Validation of a French-Canadian adaptation of the Hurlbert Index of Sexual Assertiveness for adolescents. Sexual and Relationship Therapy, Advance online publication.

Couture, S., Vaillancourt-Morel, M-P., Hébert, M., & Fernet, M. (2022). Associations between conflict negotiation strategies, sexual comfort, and sexual satisfaction in adolescent romantic relationships. Journal of Sex Research. Advance online publication.

Cyr, G., Bélanger, C., & Godbout, N. (2022). French Translation and Validation of the International Trauma Questionnaire in a Canadian Community Sample. Child Abuse & Neglect, 128, 105627.

De La Sablonnière-Griffin, M., Collin-Vézina, D., Dion, J et Esposito, T. (2022). Trajectoires en protection de la jeunesse pour les Premières Nations : des disparités qui persistent. Revue québécoise de psychologie, 43, 63-86.

De La Sablonnière-Griffin, M., Collin-Vézina, D., Esposito, T., & Dion, J. (2022). A longitudinal study to better understand child protection intervention for First Nations children. First Peoples Child & Family Review 17(1), 3-26.

de Pierrepont, C., Brassard, A., Lessard, I., Gingras, A.-S., & Péloquin, K. (2022). How to deal with sexual changes during and after pregnancy: Results of a brief psychoeducational workshop with future and new parenting couples. The Journal of Perinatal Education, 31(1), 38-48. 

de Pierrepont, C., Brassard, A., Bécotte, K., Lessard, I., Polomeno, V. & Péloquin, K. (2022). Sexual activity based fears during pregnancy, sexual function and dyadic adjustment in couples who are expecting their first child. Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics & Gynecology, 1-7.

Deschênes, M., Bernier, A., Cyr, C., Paradis, A., & Rassart, C.-A. (2022). Marital satisfaction, parenting stress and family alliance: Parental perspective taking as a moderator. Family Process, 1-14.

Dion, J., Boisvert, S., Paquette, G., Bergeron, M., Hébert, M., & Daigneault, I. (2022). Sexual violence at university: Are Indigenous students more at risk? Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 37(17-18), NP16534-NP16555.

Dion, J., Hamel, C., Clermont, C., Blackburn, M.-È., Hébert, M., Paquette, L., Lalande, D., & Bergeron, S. (2022). Changes in Canadian adolescent well-being since the COVID-19 pandemic: The role of prior child maltreatment. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(16), 10172.

Duford, J., Blais, M., Smith, K., & Hébert, M. (2022). La polyvictimisation et la détresse psychologique comme médiateurs de la fugue chez les jeunes de minorités sexuelles. Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science / Revue canadienne des sciences du comportement. Advance online publication.

Dugal, C., Brassard, A., Kusion, P.-Y., Lefebvre, A.-A., Péloquin, K., & Godbout, N. (2022). Romantic Attachment, Sex Motives and Sexual Difficulties in Emerging Adults: The Role of Childhood interpersonal victimization. The Journal of Sex Research. Advance online publication.   

Duguay, G., Garon-Bissonnette, J., Lemieux, R., Dubois-Comtois, K., Mayrand, K., & Berthelot, N. (2022). Socioemotional development in infants of women that were pregnant during the COVID-19 pandemic: the role of prenatal and postnatal maternal distress. Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health, 16(28), 1-11.

Dumont, A., Lanctôt, N., & Paquette, G. (2022). "I had a shitty past, I want a great future": hopes and fears for the future among adolescent girls placed in residential care. Children and Youth Services Review134.

Dussault, É., Girard, M., Fernet, M., & Godbout, N. (2022). A Hierarchical Cluster Analysis of Childhood Interpersonal Trauma and Dispositional Mindfulness: Heterogeneity of Sexual and Relational Outcomes in Adulthood. Journal of Child Sexual Abuse, 1-19.

Dussault, É., Lafortune, D., Fernet, M., & Godbout, N. (2022). Mindfulness in survivors of cumulative childhood interpersonal trauma: a buddhist conceptualization of suffering and healing. Mindfulness, Advance online publication.

Edwards, D., Danbrook, M., Collin-Vézina, D., Wekerle, C., & the MAP Research Team (2022). Longitudinal trajectories of depressive symptoms among sexually abused adolescent youth involved in child protection services. Child Abuse & Neglect.

El Hourani, M., Zadra, A., Catellanos-Ryan, N., Parent, S., Renaud, J., & Séguin, J.R. (2022). Longitudinal associations throughout adolescence: Suicidal ideation, disturbing dreams, and internalizing symptoms, Sleep Medicine, 98, 89-97.

Faucher, J., Savard, C., Vachon, D. D., Payant, M., & Gamache, D. (2022): A Scoring Procedure for Malignant Narcissism Based on Personality Inventory for DSM-5 Facets, Journal of Personality Assessment. Advanced online publication.

Fernet, M., Hébert, M., Brodeur, G., Lagüe Maltais, F., & Couture, S. (2022). A Typological Analysis of Help-Seeking Profiles in Youth and Associations with Victimization. Journal of Child & Adolescent Trauma, 15(4), 1127-1136. 

Fethi, I., Daigneault, I., Bergeron, M., Hébert, M., & Lavoie, F. (2022). Campus Sexual Violence: A Comparison of International and Domestic Students. Journal of International Students, 13(1).

Fortin, A., Fortin, L., Paradis, A., & Hébert, M. (2022). Relationship quality among dating adolescents: Development and validation of the Relationship Quality Inventory for Adolescents. Frontiers in Psychology. 13, 1026507.

Fortin, A., Paradis, A., Hébert, M., & Lapierre, A. (2022). The interplay of perceptions and conflict behaviors during disagreements: A daily study of physical teen dating violence perpetration. Journal of Interpersonal Violence,  37(17-18), NP16453-NP16475.

Fortin, L., Fortin, A., Paradis, A., & Hébert, M. (2022). Victimisation dans les relations amoureuses et estime de soi à l’adolescence : le rôle modérateur du sexe et du statut relationnel. Revue de psychoéducation, 51(2), 283-449.

Fournier, C., Parent, S., & Paradis, H. (2022). The relationship between psychological violence by coaches and conformity of young athletes to the sport ethic norms. European Journal for Sport and Society, 19 (1), 37-55.

Fournier, S., Dauvilliers, Y., Warby, S. C., Labrecque, M., Zadra, A., & Desautels, A. (2022). Does the adenosine deaminase (ADA) gene confer risk of sleepwalking? Journal of sleep research31(4), e13537.

Frederickson, A., Kern, A., & Langevin, R. (2022). Perinatal (re)experiencing of post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms for survivors of childhood sexual abuse: An integrative review. Journal of Women's Health. Advance online publication.

Fuller-Tyszkiewicz, M., Rodgers, R.F., Maïano. C., Mellor, D., Sicilia, A., Markey, C., Aimé, A., Dion, J., Pietrabissa, G., Lo Coco, G., Caltabiano, M.L., Strodl, E., Alcaraz-Ibánez, M., Bégin, C., … & McCabe, M. (2022). Testing of a model for risk factors for eating disorders and higher weight among emerging adults: Baseline evaluation. Body Image40, 322-339.

Gagnon, M., Plante, A.S., Turcotte, M., Bégin, C., Michaud, A., Provencher, A., & Morisset, A.S. (2022). Determinants of weight gain and body changes during pregnancy: A qualitative study of French-Canadian pregnant people. Journal of Gynecology Obstetrics and Human Reproduction, 52(2):102519.

Gagnon-Girouard, M.-P., Desjardins, A., Chabot, L.-A., Cantinotti, M., & Carbonneau, N. (2022). Concept mapping of weight bias among Canadian young adults. Stigma and Health, 7(3), 318–325.

Gamache, D., Leclerc, P., Payant, M., Mayrand, K., Nolin, M.-C., Marcoux, L.-A., Sabourin, S., Tremblay, M., & Savard, C. (2022). Preliminary Steps Toward Extracting the Specific Alternative Model for Personality Disorders Diagnoses From Criteria A and B Self-Reports. Journal of Personality Disorders. 

Gamache, D., Savard, C., Lemieux, R., & Berthelot, N. (2022). Impact of level of personality pathology on affective, behavioral, and thought problems in pregnant women during the Coronavirus Disease 2019 pandemic. Personality Disorders : Theory, Research and Treatment, 13(1), 41-51.

Garon-Bissonnette, J., Bolduc, M. È. G., Lemieux, R., & Berthelot, N. (2022). Cumulative childhood trauma and complex psychiatric symptoms in pregnant women and expecting men. BMC pregnancy and childbirth22(1), 1-10.

Gauthier-Duchesne, A., Hébert, M., & Blais, M. (2022). Child sexual abuse, self-esteem, and delinquent behaviors during adolescence: The moderating role of gender. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 37(15-16), NP12725-NP12744.

Geoffrion, S., Lamothe, J., Giguère, C.-E., & Collin-Vézina, D. (2022). The effects of adherence to professional identity, workplace aggression, and felt accountability on child protection workers' professional quality of life. Child Abuse & Neglect, 135

Gillard, A., St-Pierre, E., Radziszewski, S., & Parent, S. (2022). Putting the puzzle back together – a narrative case study of an athlete who survived child sexual abuse in sport. Frontiers in Psychology. Advance online publication.

Gravel, M.M., Diushekeeva, A., & Zadra, A. (2022). Dream content in cigarette smokers. International Journal of Dream Research, 15(2), 180-183.

Grégoire, L-M., Bédard, A., Desroches, S., Provencher, V., Bélanger-Gravel, A., Bégin, C., & Lemieux, S. (2022) Development and validation of a questionnaire assessing eating pleasure dimensions in the adult French-speaking population of the province of Québec, Canada. Appetite, 172, 105966. 

Guyon, R., Fernet, M., Brodeur, G., Couture, S., Hébert, M., Paradis, A., & Lévesque, S. (2022). “I would have liked to be better prepared for the real things”: A qualitative analysis of school-based sex health education of girls who experienced sexual dating violence. The Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality.

Guyon, R., Fernet, M., & Godbout, N. (2022). Who am I as a sexual being? The role of sexual self-concept between dispositional mindfulness and sexual satisfaction among child sexual abuse survivors. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. Accès libre (Open Access): 

Hébert, M., Amédée, L. M., Théorêt, V., & Petit, M-P. (2022). Diversity of adaptation profiles in youth victims of child sexual abuse. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy, 14(S1), S41-S49.

Hébert, M., Bénard, L., Moreau, C., & members of the SPARX project. (2022). Mobilizing social networks to promote healthy relationships and prevent dating violence: The SPARX program. Psicologia di Comunità, 2022(1), 102-120.

Hébert, M., Fortin, A., Julien, M., Dion, J., & Cyr, M. (2022). Prévenir la violence sexuelle durant la petite enfance: une évaluation des effets de la formation Lanterne auprès du personnel de milieux d’intervention et d’éducation. Sexologies. 31(4), 347-355.

Hébert, M., Jean-Thorn, A., & Fortin, L. (2022). History of trauma and COVID-19 related psychological distress and PTSD. Psychiatry Research Communication, 2(4), Article 100092.

Hébert, M., Jean-Thorn, A., & Malchelosse, K. (2022). An exploratory mixed-method descriptive analysis of youth coping during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic in Quebec. Journal of Child & Adolescent Trauma. Advance online publication.

Hébert, M., Julien, M., Fortin, A., Dion, J., & Cyr, M. (2022). Prévenir la violence sexuelle durant la petite enfance : une évaluation des effets de la formation Lanterne auprès de personnes éducatrices [Sexual violence prevention during early childhood: An assessment of the effects of the Lantern training for practitioners in intervention and educational settings]. Sexologies, 31(4), 347-355.

Hébert, M., Tremblay-Perreault, A., Jean-Thorn, A., & Demers, H. (2022). Disentangling the diversity of profiles of adaptation in youth during COVID-19. Journal of Affective Disorders Reports, 7, Article 100308.

Hémond-Dussault, V., Dussault, É., Hébert, M., & Godbout, N. (2022). Childhood interpersonal trauma and relationality among profiles of mindfulness facets. Mindfulness. Advance online publication.

Iceta, S., Sohier, L., Bégin, C., Brazeau, A.S., Rabasa-Lhoret, R., & Gagnon, C. (2022) Impact of Glycemic Variability on Cognitive Impairment, Disordered Eating Behaviors and Self-Management Skills in Patients with Type 1 Diabetes: Study Protocol for a Cross-sectional online Study, the Sugar Swing Study. BMC Endocrine Disorders, 22(1), 283. 

Jean-Thorn, A., Tremblay-Perreault, A., Dubé, V., & Hébert, M. (2022). A systematic review of community-level protective factors in children exposed to maltreatment. Trauma, Violence, & Abuse. Advance online publication.

Jolin, S., Lafontaine, M.-F., Brassard, A., & Lussier, Y. (2022). Which Comes First? Associations Between Communication Patterns and Relationship Satisfaction in Couples Over a 1-Year Period. Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science.

Jolin, S., Lafontaine, M.-F., Lussier, Y., & Brassard, A. (2022). How relationship satisfaction and negative communication trajectories change in emerging adults’ dating relationships: A group-based dual trajectory analysis. Emerging Adulthood, 1-15. Advance online publication.

Kalantari, N., McDuff, P., Pilon, M., Desautels, A., Montplaisir, J., & Zadra, A. (2022). Self-reported developmental changes in the frequency and characteristics of somnambulistic and sleep terror episodes in chronic sleepwalkers. Sleep Medicine, 89, 147-155.

Katz, C., Varela, N., Korbin, J., Najjar, A.A., Cohen, M., Bérubé. A., Collin-Vézina, D., Desmond, D., Fallon, B., Fouché, A., Haffejee, S., Kaawa-Mafigiri, D., Katz, I., Kefalidou, G., Maguire-Jack, K., Massarwah, N., Munir, A., Muñoz P., Priolo, F.S., Tarabulsy, G., Thembekile, D.L., Tiwari, A., Truter, E., Waler-Williams, H., & Wekerle, C. (2022). Child protective services during COVID-19 and doubly marginalized children: International perspectives. Child Abuse & Neglect.

Kern, A., Frederickson, A., Hébert, M., Bernier, A., Frappier J.-Y., & Langevin, R. (2022). Exploring the relationships between child maltreatment and risk factors for pregnancy complications. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Canada. 44(5), 496-502.

Kern, A., Khoury, B., & Frederickson, A., & Langevin, R. (2022). The associations between childhood maltreatment and pregnancy complications: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 160. 

Kimber, M., Vanstone, M., Dimitropoulos, G., Collin-Vézina, D., & Stewart, D. (2022). Researching the Impact of Service provider Education (RISE) Project – A multiphase mixed methods research protocol. Pilot and Feasibility Studies, 8, 1-17.

Klein, N., Piazzesi, C., & Belleau, H. (2022). Laver son linge sale en famille : Le chez-soi par l'analyse des pratiques d'entretien du linge. Enfances, Familles, Générations, 39.

Labonté, T., Beaulieu, N., Brassard, A., Gauthier, N., Gagnon-Tremblay, J., & Péloquin, K. (2022). Attachment insecurities and under-commitment in distressed couples: The role of positive and negative partner behavior. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy.

Labonté, T., Dugal, C., Lafontaine, M.-F., Brassard, A., & Péloquin, K. (2022). How do partner support, psychological aggression, and attachment anxiety contribute to distressed couples’ relationship outcomes? Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy, 48(1), 79-99.

Lachal, J., Carretier, E., Prevost, C., Nadeau, P. O., Taddeo, D., Fortin, M. C., Blanchet, C., Amirali, L., Wilhelmy, M., Frappier, J. Y., Moro, M. R., & Ben Amor, L. (2022). The experience of healthcare professionals treating adolescents with eating disorders in psychiatric and pediatric inpatient units for adolescents: A qualitative study. L'Encéphale.

Lachapelle, M., Fernet, M., Hébert, M., & Guyon, R. (2022). A mixed method approach exploring risk factors associated with cyber dating victimization and resilience in adolescents and emerging adults. Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma, 31(5), 589-608.

Lafontaine, M.-F., Bolduc, R., Lonergan, M., Clement, L. M., Brassard, A., Bureau, J.-F., Godbout, N., & Péloquin, K. (2022). Attachment Injury Severity, Injury-related Stress, Forgiveness, and Sexual Satisfaction in Injured Adult Partners. The Journal of Sex Research, 1-10.

Lafontaine, M.-F., Jolin, S., Séguin, M.-P., Brassard, A., & Lussier, Y. (2022). Validation de versions abrégées françaises du Communication Pattern Questionnaire. Revue Science et comportement,  32(2), 29-40.

Lafortune, D., Dussault, É., Philibert, M., & Godbout, N. (2022). Prevalence and Correlates of Sexual Aversion: A Canadian Community-Based Study. The Journal of Sexual Medicine, 19(8), 1269-1280.

Lafortune, D., Lapointe, V. A., Canivet, C., Godbout, N., & Boislard, M.-A. (2022). Validation of a virtual environment for sexual aversion. Journal of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapy, 32(2), 85-98.

Lallier-Beaudoin, M.-C., Brassard, A., & Roy, F., (2022). Management consulting effectiveness: Contribution of the working alliance and the consultant's attachment orientation. Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research. Advance online publication.

Langevin, R., Gagné, M.-E., Brassard, A., & Fernet, M. (2022). Intergenerational continuity of child maltreatment: The role of maternal emotional dysregulation and mother–child attachment. Psychology of Violence. Advance online publication.

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